We’re ready! The BC Speed Skating Association (BCSSA) has been carefully following the updates regarding Return to Sport in BC and we’ve been preparing our plans accordingly. Thank you for your patience as we do our best to ensure we have the safest and most successful return to group speed skating practices possible.
We are now in Phase 2 of BC’s Restart Plan, which allows a return to organized sport under enhanced protocols. Following the release of the viaSport sport sector guidelines, BCSSA developed our BCSSA Return to Practice Guidelines. We are happy to announce that the BCSSA Board of Directors approved our guidelines last evening, and we are ready to share them here:
BCSSA Return to Practice Guidelines
What’s next? Clubs must use the BCSSA Return to Practice Guidelines to develop written plans for their club. Each club’s Board of Directors/Executive must approve their club’s plan, after which, face-to-face group training can resume. BCSSA will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday June 17th at 7pm to review this process and answer questions about the BCSSA Return to Practice Guidelines. Club administrators are encouraged to attend using the following link:
Dial-in: (CA) +1 604-774-3512 PIN: 547 209 640#
Questions should be directed to BCSSA Technical Director Chris Acton (chris.acton@nullbcspeedskating.ca).