This post intends to provide an update to the BCSSA membership on the plans for returning to speed skating practice. viaSport publicly released their sport-sector Return to Sport Guidelines on Monday, after review by the provincial government and WorkSafe BC. This represents a key step in the restart of organized sport, which is allowed under enhanced protocols in Phase 2 of BC’s Restart Plan.
Each Provincial Sport Organization, including BCSSA, is responsible for developing their own guidelines/plan, which meet or exceed the requirements in the viaSport Return to Sport Guidelines. The BCSSA Return to Practice Guidelines draft has been updated to ensure compliance with the recently-released sport sector guidelines, and are with a working group for review. Following the review of the working group, the BCSSA Return to Practice Guidelines must be approved by the BCSSA Board of Directors before the guidelines are shared with member clubs.
Each member club will subsequently be responsible for developing their own plan, following the BCSSA Return to Practice Guidelines and in collaboration with their facility (or facilities) to align with site-specific guidelines. The Board of Directors/Executive for each club must then approve the club’s plan.
Until this time, clubs are advised that they should not be meeting for in-person training of any type. Although this process seems onerous, it is in the best interest of our members to ensure a safe and successful return to group speed skating training in BC.
Any questions should be directed to BCSSA Technical Director Chris Acton (