Coaching Courses Summer 2022
FUNDAMENTALS COACH – FORT ST. JOHN, August 29-September 2, 2022 (Registration Closed)
The courses will provide coaches with foundational knowledge and understanding of speed skating technique, equipment, and practice planning in order to be able to design and lead an effective Learn to Speed Skate and/or introductory speed skating program focused on skill development and fundamental movement skills.
Four of eight modules of FUNdamentals Coach modules being delivered in person at the Fort St. John Long Track Summer Camp. Participants may choose to register for any/all of the following modules:
- FUNdamentals Coach Technique $55
- FUNdamentals Coach Peer Teaching $45
- FUNdamentals Coach Equipment $25
- FUNdamentals Coach Analyze performance $30
FUNDAMENTALS COACH – FORT ST. JOHN, August 29-September 2, 2022 (Registration Closed)
Introduction to Competition is focused on providing coaches with the tools necessary to support athletes in training and competition in the Learning to Train and Training to Train stages of development, with an emphasis on technical development and seasonal and practice program design.
Three of ten Introduction to Competition modules, delivered in-person during the Fort St. John Long Track Summer Camp:
- Intro to Comp Technique $80
- Intro to Comp Equipment $25
- Intro to Comp Analyze Performance $30
FUNDAMENTALS LEADER – Virtual, September 17, 2022
This coaching course is intended for active skaters and parents looking to work as assistant coaches for Learn to Skate, Learn to Speed Skate and introductory speed skating programs. Over the course of one day, attendees will be equipped with the necessary tools to work with a small group of skaters teaching basic skating skills in a safe, fun, and welcoming environment.
FUNdamentals Leader $70