Canadian Youth LT Championships 2022
The Canadian Youth Long Track Championships 2022 (CYLT) will take place Thursday, April 14-Friday, April 15, 2022 in Quebec City, QC. Team BC has 2 guaranteed positions per age category at CYLT and may be awarded additional positions.
To be eligible for Team BC, skaters must compete at the BC Open Long Track in Fort St. John from March 5-6, 2022. If the number of skaters expressing Intent to Participate exceeds Team BC’s quota positions, additional requirements (results from BC Open LT) will be put in place by SSBC and clearly communicated to skaters who have expressed their Intent.
Intent to Participate must be completed by Tuesday, February 22, 2022.
Skaters participating in the BC Open Long Track may also attend Academy – Long Track on Friday, March 4, 2022. Skaters will work with Speed Skating BC Provincial Coaches Jennifer Gibson and Nicole Garrido.
To be eligible to compete for Team BC at Canadian Youth Long Track Championships in Quebec City, skaters must compete at BC Open Long Track in Fort St. John, March 5-6, 2022 with their Intent to Participate form completed.