BC Speed Skating AGM 2021
Virtual Summit
May 15, 2021
9:00am – 4:30pm PST
Saturday information sessions include sport technical, financial, awards, strategic plan, community of practice, and divisional reactivation presentations.
Annual General Meeting
May 16, 2021
10:00am – Noon PST
Registration deadline: May 14, 2021
Registered attendees will receive a virtual login link
Policies, Profiles, Reports & Presentations
Board of Directors and Committees
Nominations deadline: May 12, 2021 (now closed, nominations will be accepted from the floor)
Nominate a Board of Director of Committee position (President, Treasurer, Secretary, Director, Athlete Development, Coach Development, Officials Development, Sport Development, and Awards)
A position on the Board or a Committee is a valuable opportunity to support the initiatives of our association. We meaningfully contribute and impact our membership. I encourage you to join and share your passion for speed skating.
Kari RaePresident
I wanted to be part of the ADC to learn more how the committee operated, be part of the process of finding ways to make our province's skaters become more successful at every level of participation, and help increase the level of communication and input from our members.
Kerry HaaheimChair - Athlete Development
I felt like it was important to help out and be part of good decision making that would make the association stronger... Respect is important and everyone needs to want to make skating better in BC. But it is fun interacting and touching bases with like-minded skating folks.
Keith GordonChair - Coaches Development
My involvement in speed skating has given me incredible opportunities and experiences beyond the wildest dreams and expectations
as an athlete, coach and official. Learn, listen and contribute. Try it and you won't be disappointed.
E. W. (Wim) KokChair - Officials Development