Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023
Dear Speed Skating BC members,
Speed Skating BC is pleased to announce our Annual General Meeting and SSBC Summit will take place in person in Kamloops at the Coast Hotel & Conference Centre. The Welcome Reception will take place on Friday, May 26, the SSBC Summit on Saturday May 27, and the AGM will be in the morning of Sunday, May 28.
The full day SSBC Summit will be an opportunity to share and discuss information for the upcoming season. The formal Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday Morning. Voting at the AGM will be conducted in person and according to the Association’s By-Laws. Some funding is available to clubs to assist with travel expenses.
Additional information including an information session on the proposed policy changes, call for nominations, and registration can be found in the link below.
For more information, please contact either Kari Rae, President or Valerie Linton, Executive Director.
Kind regards,
Kari Rae,
President, Speed Skating BC